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The Taste you'll love!

Senor Campos Salsa

Made fresh from our tomato garden then delivered to your doorstep!

Mild - medium - spicy -
hot & hotter  
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Refer A FRIEND and get 25 % OFF your next purchase- (rules apply) when your friend signs up and places an order.

About Senor Campos Salsa

In 1947, my father started "Campos Foods" in the Central Valley of California manufacturing corn tortillas and distributed them to major grocery store chains. He also started selling Mexican food but his delicious salsa and crunchy tortilla chips were everyone's favorite! Thus, my love for him and his delicious salsa prompted me to offer his salsa to the public! THIS SALSA IS MADE FROM  THE HEART and DELIVERED TO YOUR DOORSTEP!   Enjoy!


    Now, $9.95 Flat Rate Shipping in U.S.- (Puerto Rico & Hawaii excluded )   The more you order, the more you save!

 Today's specials 

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Senor Campos BBQ Sauce - Salad Dressing can be used as a marinade! 

With Flat rate shipping in US (excluding Hawaii & Puerto Rico)  - The more you order, the more you save!

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Sergeant Pepper salsa

Your purchase helps military, veterans and families! Thank you

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Senor campos Mexican Recipes & Family Secrets- book

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Stone pony

Forgiven but not Forgetting by
Stephen Paul Campos


Stone Pony Cover
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